Wednesday, November 27, 2019
La Madeleine Church Essays - Madeleine, La Madeleine, Paris, Church
La Madeleine Church La Madeleine is a church in Paris that started during the reign XV, and designed by Constant d'Ivry using plans based on the St-Louis-des-Invalide church. concerts are held here several times a week , usually in the evening. During the academic year, there are free Sunday afternoon concerts. La Madeleine also remains a place of worship. The construction of this curious church in the shape of Greek temple was decided in 1757. The old church had become well too small for the population which had increased a lot. How to get there? The district of the Madeleine is the downward direct one of The City Eveque, a small borough located out of the city and stronghold of eveque of Paris. The original church is located at the level of the beginning of the Malsherbes boulevard (on the level 8)
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Edaphosaurus Facts and Figures
Edaphosaurus Facts and Figures At first glance, Edaphosaurus looks a lot like a scaled-down version of its close relative, Dimetrodon: both of these ancient pelycosaurs (a family of reptiles that preceded the dinosaurs) had large sails running down their backs, which helped to maintain their body temperatures (by radiating away excess heat during the night and absorbing sunlight during the day) and were probably also used to signal the opposite sex for mating purposes. Oddly enough, though, the evidence points to the late Carboniferous Edaphosaurus having been a herbivore and Dimetrodon a carnivorewhich has led some experts (and TV producers) to speculate that Dimetrodon regularly had big, heaping portions of Edaphosaurus for lunch! Except for its sporty sail (which was much smaller than the comparable structure on Dimetrodon), Edaphosaurus had a distinctly ungainly appearance, with an unusually small head compared to its long, thick, bloated torso. Like its fellow plant-eating pelycosaurs of the late Carboniferous and early Permian periods, Edaphosaurus had a very primitive dental apparatus, meaning that it needed a whole lot of intestines to process and digest the tough vegetation it ate. (For an example of what this whole lot of guts body plan can result in, without the distraction of a sail, check out the awkward build of the contemporaneous pelycosaur Casea.) Given its similarity to Dimetrodon, its not surprising that Edaphosaurus has generated a fair amount of confusion. This pelycosaur was first described in 1882 by the famous American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope, after its discovery in Texas; then, a few years later, he erected the closely related genus Naosaurus, based on additional remains excavated elsewhere in the country. Over the next few decades, however, subsequent experts synonymized Naosaurus with Edaphosaurus by naming additional Edaphosaurus species, and even one putative species of Dimetrodon was later moved under the Edaphosaurus umbrella. Edaphosaurus Essentials Edaphosaurus (Greek for ground lizard); pronounced eh-DAFF-oh-SORE-us Habitat:Ã Swamps of North America and Western Europe Historical Period:Ã Late Carboniferous-Early Permian (310-280 million years ago) Size and Weight:Ã Up to 12 feet long and 600 pounds Diet:Ã Plants Distinguishing Characteristics:Ã Long, narrow body; large sail on back; small head with bloated torso
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Concept of Representation in Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Concept of Representation in Diplomacy - Essay Example In the past, literature in the field of diplomacy has defined representation in various ways, some of which are even conflicting when it comes to its role in international relations in contemporary and future society. However, the importance of diplomatic representation in diplomacy would depend on the meaning attributed to this concept. As a result, the relevance of diplomatic representation has become the centre of a major debate about the importance of diplomacy in a fast evolving world. It's hard for us to picture what ancient diplomacy was all about. However, the diplomacy in the Greek and Roman civilizations was intermittent and generated no permanent in situations.1 (Hamilton and Langhorne 995: 7) "In order to dispense with diplomacy, that is with the methods used by independent governments to work out their own relations with one another, mankind would either have to let independent governments exist without the diplomatic dialogue, or else dispense with independence and 'sovereign states' altogether. They would not be able to conclude peace settlements or treaties with their neighbours, for such settlements are the essence of diplomacy. Each would have to stand alone against a more powerful and aggressive neighbour. They would not be able to get into touch with one another, to band together or form leagues and alliances for mutual protection."2 (Watson 1991:22) THE EVOLUTION OF REPRESENTATION IN DIPLOMACY In the ancient days, representation was not so strong in diplomacy. Niccolo Machiavelli was a great ruler of his time. He is quite famous for his political theory. However, little is known about his reflections on diplomacy. Machiavelli emerged when diplomacy just began its transformation that saw the creation of resident embassies. (Berridge 2001:7-8) In order for us to assess the role of diplomacy in today's world, some scholars argue that residential bilateral diplomacy is gradually becoming irrelevant. However, other scholars continue to uphold this type of diplomacy. These debates have been initiated by the changes that are occurring in the international system. Some scholars believe that the practice of diplomacy needs to adjust in order to adapt to the new environment, meanwhile others feel that the traditional methods still the answer the question today. (Berridge 2001:136) In the past, debates over globalization and global governance claimed that the role of governments decline over the years. But that hasn't happened. We are now witnessing different trends that prove this argument wrong. There is still much government participation in the ways in which government agencies operate. The structures of contemporary diplomacy now operate in such a way that they do not only go out to articulate the international goals and policies of the state. Today's diplomatic structures also tend to represent components of the increasing network of global governance. The transformations in the structures of diplomacy strongly depict the ways in which governments are responding to the changes in the international system. (Manojlovic and Thorheim 2007:12) Changes in the practice of diplomacy began with the introduction of the principle of self-determination, and then later proceeded into the era of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Channel Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Channel Management - Essay Example The insurance industry too has begun using hybrid marketing channels. The objectives of marketing channels can be understood better by analysing their four functions - facilitating the exchange process, alleviating discrepancies, standardizing transactions and providing customer service. A marketing channel's most important aim is to facilitate a smooth exchange process between a firm and an individual. As marketing is a process of exchange between a buyer and a seller, channel members are considered exchange facilitators. When a marketing channel fails to deliver goods that match customer expectations, discrepancies occur. These can be corrected through activities such as sorting, accumulating, allocating and assorting. Organizations produce a variety of products for several reasons. Some reasons are: Distributors facilitate the task of sorting products so that their identification becomes easier and they can be delivered fast. Accumulating is the process of collecting the same product in large quantities. Distributors help both buyers and sellers protect themselves against price and supply fluctuations. Allocating is the process by which larger quantities of homogeneous products are broken down into smaller quantities. Manufacturers sell their products in bulk to wholesalers, who in turn, sell these in bulk to distributors. The distributors sell these products in smaller quantities to customers. Assorting is the process by which the customer's exact requirement is ascertained for a target group of customers. Distributors facilitate the marketers' task of assorting the products for different consumers according to their tastes and preferences. Another major objective of marketing channels is standardizing transactions. Let us consider the example of a milk delivery system here. In this case, the distribution is standardized throughout the marketing channel so that consumers do not need to negotiate with sellers on any aspect, whether prices, quantity, payment method or products location. Customer service includes installation, training and maintenance of the product and other forms of service required by customers. Distributors too offer these services. In a typical distribution system, there are two tiers between the manufacturer and the final consumer - the wholesale distributor and retailer. In a marketing channel, working with distributors and resellers creates more problems than it solves. This is because it is feared that intermediaries are interested in maximizing their profits and are not concerned about manufacturer's profits. To further this end, they prefer manufacturers with products and brands in high demand. Though this may be considered rational, it creates problems for manufacturers who are introducing new products in a new market. This forces the manufacturer to set-up a direct-distribution channel in international markets. Established companies, when entering international markets, choose emerging markets first. As they have limited exposure in these markets, they sell their products through local distributors who are independent in nature. Initially, though there can be a fast growth in sales, as the time passes, manufacturers start realizing and identifying problems with the distributors (Arnold,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Management and Organisations in a Global Environment Assignment
Management and Organisations in a Global Environment - Assignment Example The Rational Approach, which seems to be favoured by Prof Randall, is based on the assumption that the problem and the preferences are clear and that there are no constraints in establishing alternatives; b) The Bounded Rationality is based on similar process with the Rational Approach, with the following exception: In the context of Bounded Rationality, the performance of the decision-making process is related to the ability of the individual ââ¬Ëto process informationââ¬â¢ (Lecture Notes, Slide 5, p.3); c) Intuition is based on the experience of the individual in regard to the issue involved; at the same time, the cognitive skills of individual can affect the decision-making process when it is based on Intuition. The introduction of a carbon tax in Australia would affect a variety of groups, including a) local population; since carbon tax will be incorporated in the taxes paid by vehicle ââ¬â users it is expected that the cost of using a vehicle in Australia will be increased. This fact will negatively affect the financial status of vehicle ââ¬â users across Australia, b) entrepreneurs; the carbon tax will increase the operational costs of businesses in all industries, c) foreign investors; the introduction of a new tax would possibly keep away foreign investors that would be interested in investing in Australia; d) economy; the new tax would decrease the average income of people in Australia, leading to the decrease of GDP, even in the long term; e) government; the new tax would harm the image of the countryââ¬â¢s government, leading to the decrease of the populationââ¬â¢s trust to the governmental decisions. The Multi-Advocacy process could have been used for developing such a decision in the following way: the specific process is based on the idea that any decision made is based on an extensive bargaining process (Mintz and DeRouen 48).Ã
Friday, November 15, 2019
What Is Service Marketing Mix Marketing Essay
What Is Service Marketing Mix Marketing Essay Marketing mix is the key concept in the marketing task. It is the strategy used to perform marketing functions. Marketing mix according to De Aze (1985) is the planned package of elements which will support the organization in reaching its target markets and specific objectives. Marketing mix helps to position the library or information service very firmly in the perceptions of their communities served the wider community for the public library, academic community for the academic library or the clients and customers for the business or specialist information service. Marketing mix needs more properly to be termed marketing mixes, to encourage librarians and information managers to perceive the value of different marketing mixes for specific market segments or groups of users. These are inter-related, interdependent, and also a combination of many factors. C:UsersAjayDownloads69e6aa0beac8f353cdcc2768df8d9bdb_LARGE.png Product: As seen in the goods-service continuum, your product can have both tangible and intangible aspects, and is the thing you offer to satisfy your customers wants and needs. Within this element, you need to consider such things as your product range; its quality and design; its features and the benefits it offers; sizing and packaging; and any add-on guarantees and customer service offerings. Price: Sound pricing decisions are crucial to a successful business and should be considered at both long-term strategic and short-term tactical levels. Within this element of the mix you should consider list price and discount price; terms and conditions of payment; and the price sensitivity of your market. Worth remembering is the connection of price to your position in the marketing specifically that only one operator in any market can be the cheapest. Jostling between competitors for this position is rarely wise. Promotion: This is the element of the marketing mix that most people mean when they talk about marketing. But jumping straight into decisions about what promotional tools to use without considering their relationship to the rest of the mix can be a sure-fire way to waste money. There are many different promotional techniques, each with their own strengths but essentially they can be broken down into four broad categories: Advertising; Public Relations; Sales Promotions; and Direct Selling. These techniques are used to communicate the specific benefits of your product to your customers. Place: Marketers love models that explain the way they work; they love it even more when elements of each model begin with the same letter hence the use of the word Place to describe distribution channels. Your choice of such channels is important, as is the variety of channels you use. For example, a common issue for businesses beginning to trade on-line is how that will affect their off-line business, for example selling directly through the web could alienate retail outlets that have been the mainstay of your business in the past. People: The impact that your people can have on your marketing cannot be underestimated. At its most obvious, this element covers your front line sales and customer service staff who will have a direct impact on how your product is perceived. You need to consider the knowledge and skills of your staff; their motivation and investment in supporting your brand. Any element of the marketing mix will also have its impact on other elements of your business, but the people element is one where the importance of regarding marketing as an integral part of the way you do business is crystal clear. Process: The process part of the mix is about being easy to do business with. If youve ever become frustrated at call centers that cant answer your questions, or annoyed when you cant buy something in a shop because the computerized till doesnt recognize that it exists, even when you can see it on the shelves, youll know how important this element can be. The more high contact your product, and the more intangible, the more important it is to get your processes right. Remember to look at this from your customers point of view. The process problems that are most annoying to a customer are those that are designed for the providers convenience, not the customer. Physical Evidence: When you sell tangible goods, you can offer your customer the chance to try before they buy, or at least see, touch or smell. With services, unless you offer a free trial, your customer will often be buying on trust. And to help them do so you need to provide as much evidence of the quality you will be providing as possible. So physical evidence refers to all the tangible, visible touch points that your customer will encounter before they buy, from your reception area and signage, to your staffs clothing and they images you include in you corporate brochure. 7ps service marketing mix in mc Donalds After segmenting the market, finding the target segment and positioning itself, each company needs to come up with an offer. The 7 Ps used by McDonalds are: Product à Product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. Product includes certain aspects such as packaging, guarantee, looks etc. This includes both the tangible and the non tangible aspects of the product and service. McDonalds has intentionally kept its product depth and product width limited. McDonalds studied the behaviour of the Indian customer and provided a totally different menu as compared to its International offering. It dropped ham, beef and mutton burgers from the menu. India is the only country where McDonalds serve vegetarian menu. Even the sauce and cheese used in India are 100% vegetarian. McDonalds continuously innovates its products according to the changing preferences and tastes of its customers. The recente xample is the introduction of the Chicken Maharaja Mac. McDonalds bring with it a globally reputed brand, world class food quality and excellent customer specific product features. à McDonalds Indian Menu: Vegetarian McVeggie McAlooTikki Paneer Salsa Wrap McCurry Pan Pizza McPuffà Non vegetarian Chicken Maharaja Mac McChicken Burger Shahi Chicken McCurry Wrap Chicken Mexican Fillet-O-Fish Chicken McNuggetsà Price à Pricing includes the list price, the discount functions available, the financing options available etc. It should also take into the consideration the probable reaction from the competitor to the pricing strategy. This is the most important part of the marketing mix as this is the only part which generates revenue. All the other three are expenses incurred. The price must take into consideration the appropriate demand-supply equation. McDonalds came up with a very catchy punch line Aap ke zamane mein ,baap ke zamane ke daam. This was to attract the middle and lower class consumers and the effect can clearly be seen in the consumer base McDonalds has now. McDonalds has certain value pricing and bundling strategies such as happy meal, combo meal, family meal and happy price menu to increase overall sales volumes. Place à The place mainly consists of the distribution channels. It is important so that the product is available to the customer at the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. Nearly 50% of U.S.A is within a 3 minute drive from a McDonalds outlet. There is a certain degree of fun and happiness that a customer feels each time he dines at McDonalds. There are certain value propositions that McDonalds offer to its customers based on their needs. McDonalds offers hygienic environment, good ambience and great service. Now McDonalds have also started giving internet facility at their centers and they have been playing music through radio instead of the normal music. There are certain dedicated areas for children where they can play while their parents can have some quality time together. Promotion The various promotion channels being used by McDonalds to effectively communicate the product information are given above. A clear understanding of the customer value helps decide whether the cost of promotion is worth spending. There are three main objectives of advertising for McDonalds are to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. McDonalds does its promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters. They use print ads and the television programmers are also an important marketing medium for promotion. Some of the most famous marketing campaigns of McDonalds are:à à à à à à à à à à à You deserve a break today, so get up and get away- To McDonalds à à à à à Aap ke zamane mein ,baap ke zamane ke daam. à à à à à Food, Folks, and Fun Im loving it. People à McDonalds understands the value of both its employees and its customers. It understands the fact that a happy employee can serve well and result in a happy customer. McDonald continuously does Internal Marketing. This is important as it must precede external marketing. This includes hiring, training and motivating able employees. This way they serve customers well and the final result is a happy customer. The level of importance has changed to be in the following order (the more important people are at the top): 1. Customers 2. Front line employees 3. Middle level managers 4. Front line managers Processes à McDonalds worldwide is well known for the high degree of respect for the local customs and culture. McDonalds has developed a menu especially for India with vegetarian selections to suit Indian tastes and preferences. Keeping in line with this, McDonalds does not offer any beef or pork items in India. In the last decade it has introduced some vegetarian and non-vegetarian products with local flavors that have appealed to the Indian palate. There have been continuous efforts to enhance variety in the menu by developing more such products. It is completely transparent and visible to the customers, allowing them to judge hygiene standards where the process takes place. The customers are even invited to check the ingredients used in the food. McDonalds has also re-engineered its operations repeatedly in its 11 years in India to address the special requirements of a vegetarian menu. Vegetable products are 100% vegetarian, i.e. They are prepared separately, using dedicated equipment and utensils. Only pure vegetarian oil is used as a cooking medium. Cheese and sauces are completely vegetarian and egg less. Separation of vegetarian and non-vegetarian food products is maintained throughout the various stages of procurement, cooking and serving. Food manufacturing transparent to customers across the counter. Training to the licensees about how to operate the franchise. Invented the most efficient cooking equipment with use of latest technology. New methods of food packaging and distribution are followed Physical evidence à The physical appearance affects not only the impression outsiders have of a business but also the way that business functions. McDonalds focuses on clean and hygienic interiors of its out lets at the same time they are attractive. It maintains a proper decorum at its joints. Staff members dress in McDonalds Dress code with Green shirts, Blue trousers, Black caps and Customized Ronald McDonalds tie. Building maintenance and visible cues are provided by the golden arches, the trademarks and the logos in the premises. The delivery scooters also add to the physicality of the company. 7ps service marketing mix in Pizza Hut After segmenting the market, finding the target segment and positioning itself, each company needs to come up with an offer. The 7 Ps used by Pizza Hut are: PRODUCT Worldwide and in India, Pizza Hut has come to become synonymous with the best pizzas under one roof. This is because at Pizza Hut the belief is that every pizza has its own magic, thus making it a destination product which everyone seeks. It is this belief that has ignited the passion to create, innovate and serve the finest product the industry has to offer, while setting standards for others to strive to replicate. Pizza Hut is committed to providing uncompromising product quality, offering customers the highest value for money and giving service that is warm, friendly and personal. A critical factor in Pizza Huts success has been its unique dining experience. Crewmembers at Pizza Hut strive each day to provide customer mania the kind of service that ensures that every visit of the customer is a memorable one. Over the years Pizza Hut has also developed and successfully introduced a range of products especially suited to the Indian palate. These products like Chicken Tikka, Spicy Korma, Spicy Paneer and the Masala and Tandoori pizzas have been a tremendous success. What has also given Pizza Hut a competitive edge is that in addition to an extensive range of internationally renowned pizzas like The Italian, the proprietary Pan Pizza and Stuffed Crust, in India the menu offers the option of a complete meal. It includes appetizers, a Salad Bar where the customers can make their own fresh salads, a range of soups, pastas and desserts PRICE In the past, Pizza Hut has successfully used the high/low pricing strategy when setting the retail price of its products. The high/low retail pricing strategy allows Pizza Hut to charge a price that is above the competition, but also promote frequent sales to lower the price below them. Both Pizza Hut and the beverage Mountain Dew are Pepsi subsidiaries, bundle pricing will be used.. Pizza Hut will be able to sell two products together at a single price to suggest a good value. Different groups of customers are willing to pay different prices for the same product. Pizza Hut can sell The Extreme to the customers who will pay the higher price to be the first to buy and also to the bargain hunters Finally, this strategy will emphasize product and service quality. Pizza Hut sets a high initial price for its products to send a signal to customers that its products are quality and the service is excellent. PROMOTION The objectives of promotion are to introduce a new product, stimulate demand, change the short-term behavior of the customers, and encourage repeat or greater usage by current customers. Pizza hut uses many promotional strategies. The main promotion is a coupon to purchase. This promotion is also distributed mainly by mail (VIP members), but also by fliers on college campuses around the country in order to reach the target market. They are using billboards on main stream places to get there customer. They are also distributing door to door brochures to capture more and more customers. Pizza huts also using marketing techniques. These are the strategies Pizza hut is using for its marketing. Pizza huts trys to attract the younger generation as their main market segment. Apart from this Pizza Hut is using intense marketing strategies they are also giving ads in magazines. Advertising camping will creates awareness of the products in our target markets. PEOPLE Here the job design is not the most difficult task to do. Also there is no specific requirement for recruiting process. After talking one of the employees in Pizza Hut, we came to know the criteria of selection. The girl was from west India, she was only 10th passed out. After this we it was confirmed that there is no proper requirement of the educational background. The only factor they were considering on the communication skills, how they communicate with the customers. Since the communication is the most important factor between the customer and employee because the whole process is depended on giving the orders for food. For this the Management conducted the training process for the new employees. The Training is given for total 5 days. Out of 5 days, they have 3 days for kitchen training and other 2 days in the main dining, that is, how to take orders and basically how to communicate with customers and make them happy by their services. PROCESS The design of the process of the pizza hut is very efficient .pizza hut do not follow any kind of hierarchy , all the employee is at the same level ,pizza hut has a very prescribe and well known process by adopting various technology software which help them to upgrade their supply management and also manage their crowd of customer efficiently. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE The ambience of the pizza hut is good enough to catch up the people .they provide a very good dining experience with high quality of atmosphere in terms of their physical evidence. And pizza hut always try to upgrade with changing environment and modernization is key of success of the pizza hut.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Scientific Revolution Dbq
*The Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries brings to mind great scientists like Galileo who dedicated themselves to math and science in order to help human learning. Advances were made in chemistry, astronomy, math, and even more branches of science by these men. However, they were not the ones whose thoughts were able to change that of the people in charge, i. e. , the Pope and the powerful rulers of that time.Without those people, the ideas of the scientists would never have been accepted by the general public. The thoughts of those people such as religious figures, philosophers, and even men working in the state were those that most helped to push the scientific revolution forward, because they broke boundaries and changed the way even society itself reacted to new ideas and developments. **The year 1554 was one of the first years that a free thinker came into the picture.John Calvin, a French Protestant theologian, disagreed with the fact that the study of astronom y should be outlawed by the Church, saying, ââ¬Å"This study should not be prohibited, nor this science condemned, because some frantic persons boldly reject whatever is unknown to them,â⬠(doc. 2). He had even formed his own religions, to become known later as Calvinism, because he so disagreed with the Church. Just a few years earlier, Polish priest and astronomer Nicholas Copernicus had agreed in a more mild way, saying, ââ¬Å"The learned and unlearned alike may see that I shrink from no criticism,â⬠(doc. ) meaning that he would continue his studies no matter what others told him. Both these religious men, though in different religions, thought the same thing about the fact that knowledge and learning should have no boundaries. Galileo himself was living proof of what these two men are discussing; his books were banned by the Church and put under house arrest for the last years of his life because his teachings disagreed with the Church.People all over the world, inc luding people within the Church like Copernicus, began to see that the Church was conflicting with the opportunity to discover many new things. **Many philosophers had the same ideas about learning and the fact that it must be expanded. Francis Bacon, as English philosopher of science, said that ââ¬Å"the true and lawful goal of science is this: that human knowledge be endowed with new discoveries and powers,â⬠(doc. 4). He believed that learning new things was absolutely necessary to all of mankind itself.Another philosopher that was way ahead of her time was Margaret Cavendish, an English natural philosopher. She said, ââ¬Å"Were it allowable for our sex, I might set up my own school of natural philosophy,â⬠(doc. 9). Though it would be many years before this would actually happen Cavendish, like these other men, wanted to open people's eyes up to new possibilities. She also wanted them to accept scientists, though she was speaking of the female gender. Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher, talks not about how the Church would limit knowledge, but how the state itself would.He believes that, because geometry does not appear to matter to people because it has nothing to do with ââ¬Å"ambition, lust or profit,â⬠people will mostly leave it alone. But, he says that if some geometry postulate or theorem would ââ¬Å"conflict with the interest of those who rule,â⬠he knows that ââ¬Å"it would be suppressed,â⬠(doc. 7). Hobbes believes wholeheartedly that any king or queen would censor new discoveries should they not be want they want their people to know. *Despite Hobbes' views, there were some people involved in the state who tried to encourage scientists to gather their knowledge together. Henry Oldenburg, secretary of the English Royal Society, had wanted scientists to all come together as a community. He said, ââ¬Å"Friendship should be spread through the world of learning, and established among those whose minds are above parti san zeal because of their devotion to truth and human welfare,â⬠(doc. 6).Oldenburg believed that communities of learning would greatly benefit the world at that time, and all of mankind to come. Jean Baptiste Colbert, French finance minister under Louis XIV, wrote a letter saying how the state also must allow arts and sciences to flourish, and that he has been persuaded to establish many scientific academies to help science prosper (doc. 11). This can be shown being put into action a few years later, with a drawing of all the great minds and projects at work in the French Royal Academy, a place where learning could flourish (doc. 0). **Free thinkers of the Scientific Revolution such as religious men, philosophers, and statesmen, despite the fact that they were not considered ââ¬Å"scientists,â⬠made the most important contributions in these time periods. Though they did not actually change the way the people viewed the physical world like some scientists, they changed th e way the people of that time period thought. These were the people that opened their eyes so that they could see the new discoveries made by scientists. These were the
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mary Barton
Elizabeth Gaskellââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Mary Bartonâ⬠is a novel of social reform that explores injustice, abuse and inequality. The novel is especially concerned with the societal condition of England at the time. In her ââ¬Å"Prefaceâ⬠Mrs. Gaskell asserted, ââ¬Å"I know nothing of Political Economy, or the theories of the trade. I have tried to write truthfullyâ⬠. The ââ¬Å"truthâ⬠of ââ¬Å"Mary Bartonâ⬠is not political or economic but the truth of the human heart. The novel is not about industrial conditions but about people living in those conditions. Mrs. Gaskellââ¬â¢s social aim in writing is to inform rather than to reform. Her aim in writing is to give ââ¬Å"utterance to the agonyâ⬠and to explicate the consequences of ââ¬Å"the seeming injustice of the inequalities of fortuneâ⬠. In ââ¬Å"Mary Bartonâ⬠, the protagonist John Barton asks with bitter vehemence about the injustice of the massive gulf between the upper and lower classes: ââ¬Å"Why are they so separate, so distinct, when God has made them all? [â⬠¦ ] We are their slaves as long as we can work; we pile up fortunes with the sweat of our brows; and yet we are to live as separate as Dives and Lazarus, with a great gulf betwixt usâ⬠. John Barton is ultimately driven to the act of murder by his outrage at the gulf fixed between the rich and the poor. John Barton is ultimately a victim of society and an example of how a man full of human kindness is hardened into hatred and violence. As the author tells the reader his wifeââ¬â¢s death meant that ââ¬Å"one of the ties which bound him down to the gentle humanities of earth was loosenedâ⬠. The string of events that followed ââ¬â the strike, the Davenportsââ¬â¢ starvation and fever, the employeesââ¬â¢ arrogant isolation and the failure of the petition, seem to purposely show that the world reckons the poor folk no account. And as John Barton lies on his deathbed his enemy Mr. Carson sits in his library quite unable to hate his sonââ¬â¢s murderer. At the end Mr. Carson forgives John Barton and the murderer dies in the arms of the man whose son he has murdered and this image explicates the novelââ¬â¢s pivotal theme in the hope of human heartedness. In her novel Mrs. Gaskell presents men and women at the extreme of suffering at which point only the most radical of human actions remain be they despair and hatred or alternatively human compassion and forgiveness.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep
Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you only have a short time left to study for the ACT, using official practice tests can help you raise your scores quickly. In this article, I'll take you through a 20-hour ACT prep plan thatuses official practice tests to hone your skills on the test. This approach willshow youexactly what you can expect on test day and helpyou to identify and address the most pressing weaknesses in your test-taking strategy. Below, I've broken down the most effective way to get the swiftly get the greatest benefitfrompracticing with official ACTs, as well as explained the benefits and drawbacks of this type of prep program. Why Are ACT Practice Tests Good for Short Term Prep? Practice tests are the best study tools for students who are less familiar with standardized tests and have limited time to prepare.You will experience the largest point gains in the shortest time through the use of practice tests.Familiarity with the overall test format and time constraints will help students who are new to the ACT improve their scores more dramatically than practicing individual questions in isolation. Understanding and fixing your mistakes on practice tests is the number one way to improve your scores.If you can be honest with yourself about what youââ¬â¢re missing and take steps to counteract your most costly errors, youââ¬â¢ll be well on your way to a great ACT score. How to Prep for the ACT in 20 Hours Using Practice Tests The following is a basic outline of how you can use 20 hours and three official practice tests to prepare yourself for the ACT. You can always spend more or less time reviewing your practice test results depending on how much time you have before the real test! Step 1: Take an Initial Practice Test (4 Hours) You should take an official ACT practice test right off the bat so you can figure out your score level and main weaknesses.Make sure that you use the same time constraints as the real test, and set yourself up in a distraction-free environment with the appropriate supplies.Donââ¬â¢t take the test on a computer; it wonââ¬â¢t be the same experience as a paper-based test. You should always print out practice tests!See this article for more information on how to simulate realistic testing conditions. Be prepared with plenty of sharpened pencils that havenice robust erasers. Look at them. Beautiful. Step 2: Review Your Mistakes (4 Hours) Now for the hard part - understanding your mistakes on the practice test and fixing them!You donââ¬â¢t have that much time, so you wonââ¬â¢t be able to go super in-depth with what youââ¬â¢re missing, but there are lots of quick fixes you can implement that will result in significant point gains.Notice which sections gave you the most trouble. Your mistakes might fall into a few different categories.Here are some issues that students commonly run into on the ACT and strategies dealing with them: Time Management Problems If you couldnââ¬â¢t finish a section of the test, you have problems with time management.These issues are common for students who are new to the ACT, and can usually be resolved through strategy changes. Since the ACT is a fairly predictable test, you can make a plan in advance to tackle your time problems. As an overall strategy, you should learn to skip questions that you spend more than 30 seconds trying to figure out.Lingering on difficult questions can be very damaging to your scores.If you spend too much time on hard questions early on in a section, you may miss easier questions at the end and sacrifice points. Itââ¬â¢s very common for students to run out of time on the Reading section of the ACT because the passages are so long.If this is the case for you, you might try changing your reading strategy.Skimming or reading the questions first rather than reading the passage closely can save a lot of time.Read this article for more information on passage reading strategies. Since the ACT always includes passages in the same topic order, you can also try reading the passage in the topic area where you feel most confident first.For example, the natural sciences passage is always last, but you could skip right to it and do those questions first if science is a strength of yours.This way, you wonââ¬â¢t run out of time before you get to the types of questions that are easier for you. If the science section is giving you trouble, you might try reading the conflicting viewpoints passage last.This passage often ruins peopleââ¬â¢s pace on the science section because it involves more reading and takes up more time than the other data-driven passages.If you save it for last, you wonââ¬â¢t be forced to rush on other parts of the Science section that might be easier for you. You can also read our other articles for more tips on how to avoid running out of timeon the ACT. This will be an accurate depiction of you taking the ACT once you overcome your time problems. Careless Mistakes If you find that careless mistakes are an issue for you, there are a couple of steps you can take to get a better handle on them.A careless mistake is a mistake that happened because you didnââ¬â¢t read carefully enough or were rushing through the question.You should have known the answer, but you answered incorrectly anyways. To reduce instances of careless mistakes, you should always double-check your answers at the end of each section.You should also try to read more carefully and avoid rushing.On the Math section, you can underline what the problem wants you to solve for so that you donââ¬â¢t get lost in your calculations.You can also underline key words in Reading and Science questions to keep yourself on track. Lack of Content Knowledge Did you notice that you struggled in a particular content area on the practice test? Since you only have four hours to review your mistakes, you may not be able to fix your content weaknesses completely.That being said, small issues with content can be fixed with minimal study time. Since the ACT doesnââ¬â¢t give you math formulas, it will be useful for you to memorize any formulas you forgot that may have caused you to lose points.You can also brush up on some grammar rules if you had issues on the English section.If thereââ¬â¢s a very large area of knowledge that youââ¬â¢re missing, donââ¬â¢t try to learn all of it now. Focus on more superficial issues that will allow you to gain back the most points in the shortest amount of time. Don't break out the heavy duty study materials for your gaps in content knowledge if you only have 20 hours. Zero in on the easy fixes. Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 (8 Hours) After youââ¬â¢ve evaluated your mistakes on the first practice test and developed a new strategy, you should take a second test to see where you stand.Then, you can repeat the process of analyzing and fixing your mistakes.If you find that youââ¬â¢ve improved significantly, thatââ¬â¢s great! You may be making different mistakes now, so reassess your strengths and weaknesses and work on adapting your strategy.If you havenââ¬â¢t improved, you should look at how you reacted to your mistakes on the previous test. Try working with alternate strategies to combat your weaknesses. Step 4: Take a Final Practice Test (4 Hours) After the second round of testing and evaluation, you should take one last practice test before the real ACT.Make sure you use all the strategies you came up with in your review sessions. The extra practice will help to ensure that your performance on the real test is consistent with your current practice test results. Total Time: 20 hours! Yes! You did it! Will 20 Hours Be Enough Study Time for You? You can certainly improve your ACT scores in twenty hours, but for students who need to make significant changes of more than 2 or 3 points it may not be ideal.For example, if you hope to improve your scores by 6 points, 80 hours might be a more realistic estimate of how much study time you need to reach your goal. See this article on how long you should study for the ACT to get a better idea of how to plan out your time.If youââ¬â¢re not sure of your goals yet, read about how to find your target score. Even if you plan on studying for a longer period, going through the 20 hour study plan can be a helpful way to assess your problems and get in some good practice.You can spend more time in the mistake evaluation and strategy revision phase if you plan on studying for longer than 20 hours.You might decide to take an extra practice test or two as well so that you can keep revising your strategies to keep pace with your point improvements.To learn more about why studying for the ACT is worthwhile and how it will help you in the future, read some of our free guides and other resources! What's Next? Are you worried about your low ACT scores? Learn more about some of the best ACT strategies for low scorers who are hoping to improve! Procrastination when prepping for standardized tests is a common problem. Find out how you can beat it! If you're looking for basic tips to improve your ACT scores quickly, read about these 15 mini-strategies that can make a big difference. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Death and Dying
DEATH AND DYING UNDERGRADUATE INTERVIEW WITH THE PROFESSIONAL I was told that a gentleman who is a property manager also leads a class in death and dying at his church. I was able to get his phone number and we arranged to meet. I described the course that I am taking at USF and the profession I am pursuing. I told the gentleman that I work in marketing services for Time Warner and that I also attend USF in the evenings. I told him that I am interested in working with people who have experienced losses in their lives or with people who are going through the grieving process. I told him the requirements of the course that I am taking and that this interview fulfills one of the requirements to better help me understand how professionals intervene with clients who are experiencing loss and grief. I assured him that his name would not be used in the report and that it would remain confidential with my teacher. 1. The individual that I interviewed will be called by his initials, ââ¬Å"R. M.â⬠He is 57 years old. 2. R. M. is the Property manager of a 55+ community. R. M. has an Associate college degree. He himself attended a course to help him deal with the loss of his wife, who was terminally ill with breast cancer. His wife subsequently succumbed to this disease. The course he took was a ââ¬Å"Church Counseling Ministryâ⬠course. After he attended the class, he was asked to get involved in teaching the course. The course that is taught, takes a person through the different stages of dying from vibrancy of the individual to the death of the person. But the course does not stop with the death of the person. It continues to help the grieving individuals get through life without this person and to help them with their needs, so that they can get on with their life. 3. R. M. is a tall, trim, slender, Afro-American gentleman who told me that he was born and raised in Florida. He was dressed casually and appropriately in... Free Essays on Death and Dying Free Essays on Death and Dying DEATH AND DYING UNDERGRADUATE INTERVIEW WITH THE PROFESSIONAL I was told that a gentleman who is a property manager also leads a class in death and dying at his church. I was able to get his phone number and we arranged to meet. I described the course that I am taking at USF and the profession I am pursuing. I told the gentleman that I work in marketing services for Time Warner and that I also attend USF in the evenings. I told him that I am interested in working with people who have experienced losses in their lives or with people who are going through the grieving process. I told him the requirements of the course that I am taking and that this interview fulfills one of the requirements to better help me understand how professionals intervene with clients who are experiencing loss and grief. I assured him that his name would not be used in the report and that it would remain confidential with my teacher. 1. The individual that I interviewed will be called by his initials, ââ¬Å"R. M.â⬠He is 57 years old. 2. R. M. is the Property manager of a 55+ community. R. M. has an Associate college degree. He himself attended a course to help him deal with the loss of his wife, who was terminally ill with breast cancer. His wife subsequently succumbed to this disease. The course he took was a ââ¬Å"Church Counseling Ministryâ⬠course. After he attended the class, he was asked to get involved in teaching the course. The course that is taught, takes a person through the different stages of dying from vibrancy of the individual to the death of the person. But the course does not stop with the death of the person. It continues to help the grieving individuals get through life without this person and to help them with their needs, so that they can get on with their life. 3. R. M. is a tall, trim, slender, Afro-American gentleman who told me that he was born and raised in Florida. He was dressed casually and appropriately in...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Introduction to Java Programming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Introduction to Java Programming - Research Paper Example The borrowers are registered in the system and they can borrow books from the library through the system. Likewise, the borrower is represented in the first row as the class name of the borrower entity followed by its attributes and, lastly, the methods in the borrower class. The same criteria applies to the book and the employee classes The library main functions are to purchase, store, catalogue, as well as lend books to its users, especially the borrowers, including its employees. It also registers and stores the information regarding its employees and borrowers presenting each party with a unique identification number. The borrowers are involved with such activities as borrowing books and returning books while the library lends books, updates and makes addition of new borrows. The following use case diagram shows all the above named activities involving the borrower and the library. There are two main actors in this system, including the employee and the borrower. For the lending case, the employee (librarian) should be on the right hand side of the system, since itââ¬â¢s the main actor. He checks the library card to verify the borrower identity before lending out the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Final Exam Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final Exam Paper - Essay Example It also gives the impression of a performance within a performance, as he moves from frame to frame. The relationship between Alfredo and the boy Toto is the central theme of the film. The two actors act and react with each other, and the boy provokes the old man in various ways, so that he becomes cross at first, and impatient. Over time he mellows, however, and there are many camera shots of the two of them together, the boy in Alfredoââ¬â¢s lap, or on the handlebars of his bicycle, as if the little boy is in the shadow of his protective grandfather figure. At the time when Toto grows up and leaves his mentor, the old man has become weak, and the young man has become strong, reversing the relationship in a poignant way. Salvatore is first seen in the city behind the windscreen of his car, which puts his face in a wide angle frame. After that he goes to his bedroom and looks out through a window, which makes the frame tall and narrow. When the flashback to his village begins, it shows the dusty scene through the square opening of the bell tower, as if the eye of memory looks out from a small space into the wider world. The child Toto is shown clutching scraps of film in his hands through the frame of an internal window. The adolescent Salvatore looks up at Elenaââ¬â¢s window with longing, and his first kiss takes place in the same small projection box in which he learned about love. The message here is that life comes through the window of the cinema screen, and this is made most clearly of all in the long scene where Salvatore watches the collage of screen kisses that Alfredo has left to him. This arouses Salvatoreââ¬â¢s affective memory, reminding him of the impoverished childhood that he had, and the longing to grow up and escape from the constraints of his village to experience love and real life in the world beyond. Part Two The character of Rick in Casablanca is quite similar to the character of Alfredo, in some ways. He is portrayed as a somewh at distant and unfeeling person, hiding under his hat and smoking quietly so that no-one can guess what he is thinking. He is at home in the dark night club scenes, with shady characters and this is conveyed by the dim lighting of Rickââ¬â¢s cafe. The skill of the director is evident in the way that the audience is at first led to believe he is a bad character, always in the shadows but in the end the farewell scene shows that his gloom is because of sadness at the loss of his love, and he really is a noble character. Like Alfredo, Rick needs the presence of a completely different person to bring out his true nature. The female lead character is often shown in close-up and her acting is expressive. She reacts to Rickââ¬â¢s enigmatic silences with passionate looks, and provides the other side of the story that Rick is not telling anybody. There is a whole back story that only gradually is revealed. Ingrid Bergman has is open and sympathetic, where Humphrey Bogart is cynical and deceptive. Both films show how opposites attract, and enhance each other, but there is an element of nostalgia about them, since separation is the only way that they can live their lives. In both films kisses are the force that heals their pain. In Casablanca Rick and Ilsaââ¬â¢s bittersweet kiss is not a standard happy ending, because there are too many obstacles in the way for them to be together, especially Ilsaââ¬â¢s husband. In Cinema Paradiso the collage of kisses are like an intense reminder of all that is most
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