Sunday, February 23, 2020

Project and Change Management Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project and Change Management Exam - Assignment Example In the Denver airport case, there were no alternative options that were initially considered. It was only after the failure of the automated baggage system when they started looking for other options. In terms of finances, expensive means of finance were used to raise the needed money for additional costs.2 2. In the ERP implementation at Bombardier Aerospace, insufficient planning, insufficient risk assessment, overestimated savings on new methods and switching tools in the middle of the project are some of the project classic mistakes that became evident. 3. The automated baggage system was a huge project, which required good estimations in terms of time and finances. To avoid poor estimation, the project should have been broken down into manageable phases.3 The classic mistake of insufficient risk assessment could have been avoided by engaging a risk officer who advises the company on risk measures and procedures. The risk of contractor failure could have been identified and mitigated. The project leaders should have involved and educated all the stakeholders and prevent conflicts and litigation against the organization. United Airlines, a major stakeholder, should have been involved at the start of the project so as to avoid future risks of litigation when the project is abandoned. 5. The project should have been re-assessed regularly to check if it is still valid. Most projects arise due to excitement and group enthusiasm which fades away as time goes by. Exit champions are the best in doing such re-assessments; they challenge the project based on realistic data. If new members were introduced to the Denver airport project, it would have been challenged and stopped much earlier. It ended up taking too long with no success at last because of involving the same people again and again.4 It is also suggested that control

Friday, February 7, 2020

Labour Laws Application Practice and Implementation Coursework

Labour Laws Application Practice and Implementation - Coursework Example In order to understand an employee’s right to imply law and regulation, to place an appeal against unfair dismissal, a case will be studied thoroughly. Lastly, the paper aims to study the maternity rights which are granted to the employees and how they accommodate in the present society. Background to the Context: Employment law has been considered as an integral area of law which has received imperative attention from international law as well. As evident from the provisions associated with the Employment Act, there are many guidelines, obligations, rights, and criteria for different cases and their consequences on both for the employee and the employer. Since there is an increased number of obligations, it has become a complexity for both the parties to implement relevant provisions in their respective cases. It should be noted that employment law is being practiced in almost every country of the world with their alliance to international labor law (Barnard, 2006). Part 1 (a ) Rights of Employees under Section 1- Employment Particulars During the period of employment, the employee and the employer both should be aware of their rights and authorities. i. Sub- Section 3 and 4: Where on one hand, it is important for the employer to have complete information and trust of the employee; ii. CONT: it is also very significant for the employee to know what his rights are and to know what he can claim in the case of a conflict with his employer. Employment Rights Act of 1996 clearly defines these situations for both of them. The section 1 of the law deals with the employment particulars and the employment statement. This section of the law is a kind of guideline for the employee to know what his rights are during employment and at the time of termination fair or unfair so they get to know what sort of word and conditions to expect from the tribunal in case of any breach from the employer(Barnard, 2006) Subsection 1 of Section1 states: Where an employee begins emp loyment with an employer, the employer shall give to the employee a written statement of particulars of employment† (Gavin Mansfield, 2011, p. 581) Under the statement of particulars of the section 1 subsection 1 of the Employment Rights Act of 1996, any employee is provided with a statement of particulars when he starts any job (Section 1, sub section1). 1 The subsection 2 of section 1 further explains the subsection 1 stating that: The statement may (subject to section 2(4)) be given in installments and shall be given not later than two months after the beginning of the employment (Gavin Mansfield, 2011, p. 581)† The statement of particulars must be given to the employee within eight weeks of the start of his employment (Section 1, Subsection2). Subsection 3 & 4: i. The section 1 of the law basically deals with this statement of particulars, the details and the terms and guidelines for the deal between the employer and the employee. ii. The statement has a list of thin gs entitled, from the name of the employee and the job description to the salary wages and its payment schedule (Section 1, Subsection3 & 4). As stated in the clauses of the Subsection 3 & 4: 3- â€Å"The statement shall contain particulars of: (a) the names of the employer and employee, (b) the date when the employment began† 4- â€Å".